OK. I'm not sure how this is going to work. I'm sure I'm not going to set this up in the best way but I'm going to do it nonetheless. If you are very politically or philosophically interested or curious, this will be fun....I hope.
For the last....um.....8 years mostly, I've paid especially close attention to the political world, particularly that of the Bush Administration and the goings on in the country and the world during that time. And during that time, there have been some major events that have sort of rocked us all: The attacks on the WTC on September 11, 2001, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, outrageously priced petroleum, the meltdown of the U.S. economy, and others. I've heard many theories about the why's and what's and how's of these events. But I don't think we've been given many straightforward answers. So, I have come up with several conspiracy theories. Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not hording guns, ammunition, food and water and living in a bunker somewhere. I don't put a ton of stock into most of these conspiracy theories. But I am interested to, one day, find out what the facts were. And, I've heard some theories that are a bit out there, to say the least.
So, I'm beginning a new blog project, that I'm hoping will draw people's theories and thoughts out, in regards to the above-mentioned events, as well as others. There will be no guidelines; you can tell me what you've seriously, actually thought, or you can just give examples of the crazier conspiracy theories you've come across. As well, your responses can be just the general musings that have plagued your mind from time to time. And this will not just apply to the Bush Administration. I will try to cover some others as well, and there's bound to be some arise from the Obama Administration eventually. And we'll just tackle one event per entry I think, so I'll try to post a new event at least weekly.
OK...Let's begin with a big one: The attacks on 9/11.
We have a plane hit one of the trade towers, on video. Bush is in the South reading to some school children. There's confusion. Was it an accident? We didn't know so we didn't scramble any jets or military to take action. Not long after, a second plane hits the other trade tower. Another one flies into the Pentagon. I've seen pictures of the explosion, but where's the plane. A fourth plane crashes in a field in Pennsylvania. Some video was shown on the news briefly, then never again. You can look it up on Youtube though. There's a hole in the ground, sure enough. But no plane parts.
Bush is told we're under attack. Jets are scrambled off the East Coast. The response is too late. Thousands are dead, and some of the ones still alive are jumping from 100 story windows to their quick but tragic deaths. The country, the WORLD is shocked. The world's superpower, that mighty beacon of light called The United States of America has been hit and hit hard. Right away, we're certain enough to know who did it, that Bush says it right on TV; It was Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia's prodigal son. I wonder how we knew that; Could it have been that memo that Condi gave to Dubya about a week previous? That memo which stated Bin Laden was determined to attack inside the U.S.---using planes?
OK....I've certainly left out some details. Fill them in for me if you'd like. But I'd like to know the things that have rolled around in your heads since this horrible, tragic day.
Why wasn't the memo taken seriously? Or was it? Why wouldn't Cheney give NORAD the clearance to use jets to shoot down the commercial jets? Why didn't they show the photo of the PA crash on the news after that first time? Where were the plane parts and body parts? And a HUGE one for me: Why did Bush and Cheney agree to talk to the 9/11 Commission about what they knew, but refused to testify, under oath, and on the record?
OK, so that's the general idea. I just want your ramblings. Hundreds or thousands of things have gone through my mind about these events. I want to know what has gone or continues to go through your heads. The point: It will be fun, years from now when we may know more to see if any of us were more correct, or more wrong, than we now know.